How did individuals on US soil get haunted by the adorable, tiny "blue dragon"?

The majority of the enigmatic species that inhabit the waters are visible to humans.

People have been advised not to travel near the coast of Texas in the United States after seeing a very stunning and enigmatic marine monster there.

Numerous blue dragons, also known as sea snails (Glaucus Alanticus ), have washed ashore on Texas shores.

According to marine researcher David Campbell, blue dragons follow the currents in the water; therefore, their appearance is not by chance.

They follow the wind and are quite poor swimmers, according to him.These gorgeous-looking snails float upside down wherever they go, yet they may be quite harmful.

Because of this, a number of Texas authorities have warned the public after noticing their profusion on the beaches. Beware, don't try to touch the blue dragon," posted Texas A&M University professor and head of the Harte Research Institute, Jace Tunnell, on Facebook.

According to him, the arrival of various species on Texas coasts is attributed to the spring breezes, which is why the blue dragon occasionally makes an appearance. By the way, these snails are just one inch in size, but they have a really strong sting, he noted.

Both specialists and laypeople concur that this bird-like critter resembles a character from the well-known video game Pokemon. Experts claim that although the blue dragon has a stunning appearance, its venom makes it extremely hazardous.

They said that the sting leaves a permanent scar and that it emits a large amount of venom all at once. He remarked that many people act strangely and attempt to touch these adorable, tiny animals, but this should be avoided.

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