18 people were killed in Oman by heavy rains that slammed the flights in Dubai.


The recent heavy rains in Oman have indeed caused devastating flash floods, resulting in the loss of at least 18 lives, including nine schoolchildren and their driver. The floods have also affected the neighboring United Arab Emirates, particularly Dubai, where the downpour has led to significant travel disruptions, including the cancellation and diversion of flights.

In Dubai, over a year and a half’s worth of rain fell in just a few hours, flooding major highways and the international airport, causing massive ponds on the streets, and disrupting flights. The government has issued warnings and advised residents to take precautions due to the severe weather conditions.


This is a developing situation, and rescue teams are still searching for missing individuals in Oman, while authorities in Dubai are working to manage the impact of the floods. It’s a stark reminder of the power of nature and the importance of emergency preparedness and response. I'm thinking of everyone who has been impacted by these events.


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