Human employment and artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic that has received a lot of attention recently, but my first encounter with robotic intelligence was in 2001, when I saw the Hollywood film AI. It was the first time, to my knowledge, that artificial intelligence was mentioned. Earlier, the 80s Terminator series also made a lot of noise about robotic intelligence. Artificial intelligence, or the ability of computers to learn and act autonomously, caused much concern among experts shortly after its invention. And over time, these concerns grow. 

The potential problems caused by artificial intelligence in humans have been the subject of much debate, and the debate continues today.Creating job opportunities for people is a major challenge for policymakers. According to the Department of Economics and Sociology of the United Nations, there are currently more than 71 million unemployed people in the world, and by 2050, the world's population is expected to reach 9.8 billion people, of which 6 billion are of working age. Some politicians say that new technologies could cause problems in the labor market. And in the next decade, 80% of jobs will be replaced by computers.

I also used to be against artificial intelligence, mainly because of the use of machines instead of humans. Looking for an answer to the question of whether artificial intelligence and machines will really make humans redundant and ineffective, I reached out to Saqib Ahmed, SAP's country manager for Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Bahrain, who runs a local hotel. I had arranged a meeting with the journalists. When I entered the room, my journalist friend asked Saqib Ahmed what the reason was why foreign companies were leaving Pakistan. 

I was expecting a disappointing answer. But contrary to expectations, Saqib Ahmed declared that Pakistan's tough times are over. Companies moving out of Pakistan may have their own business reasons. At least not for economic reasons. Turning the conversation around, I asked the question: Will artificial intelligence put people out of work? Saqib Ahmed does not agree with this. He said that history proves that the productivity of workers has grown with the advent of machines and modern technology. When machines replaced humans in mining, tractors came to agriculture, boats replaced motor boats and sailing, then advanced humans and artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and robots joined the economic cycle.

According to Saqib Ahmed, there is a misconception that artificial intelligence, or AI, will lead to mass unemployment. But the reality is very different. Artificial intelligence will eliminate many existing jobs, but it will also create twice the number of jobs that will be eliminated. Currently, the artificial intelligence market is worth more than $638 billion and is expected to reach $3.6 trillion by 2034. Pakistan can get a significant share of this market. If he receives immediate measures. Thanks to artificial intelligence, many tasks that once required humans can now be performed easily or with the click of a button. 

Whether it is pre-selection of candidates in job applications or data analysis in the manufacturing process, AI automatically analyzes the entire system and provides the answer after asking a question. To justify his point of view, Saqib Ahmed said, based on the United States Census, that between 1950 and 2106, only one of the 270 occupations listed in the United States disappeared. This is the elevator operator. As soon as I heard this from Saqib Ahmed, I thought about the changes in the media. In the past, newspapers had more writers, editors, etc. than journalists. But today these jobs have come to an end. Gone are the days of writing newspapers by hand. That increased the number of newspapers. And the newspapers were given the opportunity to increase their editorial.

Saqib Ahmed said the job market was different before 2015. If you learn a skill, you earn a living from that skill. But today, technology is changing rapidly, and the way we work and pay is also changing accordingly. If you are not updating your skills every two or three years, you are not employed or in business. Artificial intelligence will require people to learn new and advanced skills to be employable. When we were students, a lot of the jobs that exist today were unimaginable. After completing your studies, you should acquire skills that are employable. Otherwise, despite the high level of education, they may find themselves unemployed.Khayyam Siddiqui is an old friend with whom I have been in touch for almost two decades. He is associated with the fintech of a large mobile phone company in Islamabad. 

Arriving in Karachi, a meeting was held, and discussions began on the use of artificial intelligence. Khayyam said the use of artificial intelligence is changing the financial sector. Loan approval that was earlier given by humans is now given by AI-based software. And the process ends in a few seconds. There are now more data analysts than mobile loan approvers. It is certain that humans will not find themselves unemployed or inefficient immediately because of artificial intelligence. But it is certain that a new skill must be acquired every two or three years to be competent and effective in an ever-changing labor market. Whether you are an engineer, a doctor, an auditor or a journalist, artificial intelligence can help you make decisions. Instead of seeing technology as our enemy, we can move forward by adopting it.

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